A Hearts of Iron game that isn't ugly...I waited for this one a long time. I mostly liked what I saw and I'm not still taking about the aesthetics. It even has a complex system of managing and giving orders to armies to help ease micro-ing. But most things wrong have the AI at their core. Bad AI doesn't only mean that you might not get a real challenge but it also means that you'll probably get frustrated by stupid things your allies will do, or not do, which greatly influences you. You could use the system of giving orders to armies or you could still micro and have a big edge. And so on... The other problem is that the game is pretty imbalanced, you can convince USA to be communist a few years and conquer the world starting with a minor nation. Also if you know how to design efficient divisions, you'll have yet another big edge vs AI. Another aspect with which I have a problem is that some important mechanics are locked in DLCs, like licensing of military technology.
I would like nothing more than to love this game but at this point there is more work needed to be done.
Rating: They really shouldn't have dropped the AI in its head so many times while it was in development.
Recommendation: Give it another look in 2 years.
Article date: 31-Aug-2017