Genre: Comedy Adventure RPG;
date: 10-Aug-2017 ;
West of Loathing — a slapstick comedy stick-figure wild west adventure role-playing game.
- a sprawling open world, chock full of danger, quests, puzzles, and mysteries
- lush hand-drawn black and white graphics
- full stick-figure customization
- thousands of jokes, gags, and goofs
- crunchy turn-based combat (but only if you want it)
- liberal use of the Oxford comma
- over 50 hats
- disreputable saloons
- several gulches
- a drunk horse
Quick thoughts:
- Very funny.
- Relatively fast paced.
- Funny does not necessarily mean easy.
- Very accessible even for casual, and first time RPG players.
- Played like half a game before realizing that you can jump.
- Not well balanced but it’s not a real issue as you can grind XP and money(meat).
- The comedy as good as it is, is the only thing keeping the game together. So, there is a risk the game gets old at some point.
date: 29-Oct-2020