From the start, I loved that both the dialogues and narrating are read by voice actors. I liked the graphics and I appreciate that they added HDR.
The combat system is turn based and is built around the interaction between elements (water, fire, air, etc.). In practice this system is a mess! And it looks stupid because most of the time pretty much all the battle area will be covered in fire (at least this is how it was for me). So, on the highest difficulty, this will be extremely annoying, as you will get a lot of extra damage each round. To compound on the problem regarding combat, in a lot of fights you do not decide your starting position. And there is a ton of combat…
Traps are useless because they are not a real danger, they are probably in the game only for flavor.
The story and quests are generally rather good, with a few exceptions near the end of the main story. On the plus side, you can play as a number of very interesting characters with rich backgrounds.
Puzzles are way easier than they were before but talking to animals is just as fun.
Rating: This game is “lit”.
Article date: 21-Aug-2020